Geriatric Examination Tool Kit

Functional Outcome Instruments

Basic Activities of Daily Living (BADL)

1.  Katz Index of ADLs

2.  Barthel ADL Index

Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL)
(self-report / questionnaire)

3.  LLFDI - Late Life Function and Disability Instrument

4.  SF-36   (proprietary; overview on website)

5. FSQ -- Functional Status Questionnaire

6. Lawton-Brody IADL Scale

7. OASIS has both BADL  &  IADL portions, (only used in Home Health)

Functional Mobility instruments

8. Activity Measure for Post-Acute Care: "AM-PAC, 6 Clicks" Inpatient, Acute short form

9.  CMS Section Code GG


10.  Physical Mobility Scale (see Appendix on p.98)

Pike E, Landers MR. (2010). Responsiveness of the physical mobility scale in long-term care facility residents. J Geriatr Phys Ther. 2010 Apr-Jun;33(2):92-8.

Creative Commons license

Prost, E. Willis, BW (2022). Examination Tool Kit. University of Missouri,
School of Health Professions, Department of Physical Therapy

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Updated:March 18, 2025