Gait Abnormality Rating Scale - modified (GARS-M)

7 item (21 points) Scoring sheet (higher score = greater abnormality)

"Sensitivity (62.3%) and specificity (87.1%) for recurrent fall risk have been determined for community-dwelling older men (64–96 years of age), including a cutoff score of 9 for recurrent fall risk." (Brach, 2002)

VanSwearingen JM, Paschal KA, Bonino P, Yang JF. (1996). The Modified Gait Abnormality Rating Scale and recognizing recurrent fall risk of community-dwelling, frail older veterans. Phys Ther. 76:994–1002.

VanSwearingen JM, Paschal KA, Bonino P, Chen TW. (1998). Assessing recurrent fall risk of community-dwelling, frail older veterans using specific tests of mobility and the physical performance test of function. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 1998;53:M457–M464.

Brach JS. VanSwearingen JM. (2002). Physical Impairment and Disability: Relationship to Performance of Activities of Daily Living in Community-Dwelling Older Men. Physical Therapy 82:8, 752-761.

The original GARS is a 16 item measure (Wolfson, 1990)

Wolfson I., Whipplc R. Amerman P, Tobin JN. (1990). Gait assessnient in the elderly: gait abnormality rating scale and its relation to falls. J Gerontol. 45:M12-M19.